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This is How You Can Make Money With Canva

Update Sign Up Design & Sell on Canva Why should I contribute? Make a global impact by selling your work in Canva. We have a wide and established audience who regularly use Canva to create designs. We empower everyone to create high-impact designs, from businesses to not-for-profits and schools. Totally free It doesn't cost anything to list your content on Canva. Get access to a global audience of 55 million users without paying a cent. So fast it's magic Our uploader makes it incredibly easy to submit your content, with simple to follow guidelines that ensure your work has the best chance of success. Earn more, easily Fair and clean licensing makes it easy to see a return on your work, and our dashboard allows you to track how much you are earning. Reach over 55 million users Canva's simple, drag-and-drop design tool will allow millions of people to use their content in your designs. Establish your portfolio Build your own marketplace an

How To Monetize Your Audience

Update To effectively monetize your audience, you need to implement a well-thought-out strategy that leverages your audience's needs, preferences, and purchasing power. Below are some professional guidelines on how to monetize your audience successfully: 1. Understand Your Audience: First and foremost, deeply understand who your audience is. Analyze their demographics, interests, and preferences. This will help you tailor your monetization efforts to meet their specific needs. 2. Develop Unique and Valuable Content: Continually create high-quality and unique content that resonates with your audience. This will not only attract more visitors but also increase the chances of them engaging with your monetization strategies. 3. Build Trust and Engagement: Engage with your audience regularly by fostering two-way communication channels. Respond to their comments, feedback, and inquiries promptly. Building trust is essential to establish credibility and encourage your audience to su

How to work from Home writing Jokes & Riddles with ChatGPT

Update Certainly! Here are some ways you can use to write jokes with ChatGPT: 1. Setup and punchline format: ChatGPT understands the setup and punchline structure well. You can provide a humorous setup and then let ChatGPT generate the punchline. For example: User: "Why did the tomato turn red?" ChatGPT: "Because it saw the salad dressing!" 2. Wordplay: Utilize ChatGPT's ability to understand and generate puns, double entendres, or clever wordplay. Ask the model to come up with puns based on a given word or phrase. For example: User: "Can you give me a pun based on 'coffee'?" ChatGPT: "Why did the espresso file a police report? It got mugged!" 3. Absurd scenarios: Encourage ChatGPT to generate jokes by building absurd or illogical scenarios. This can lead to unexpected and humorous outcomes. For example: User: "What happens if a cat starts a bakery business?" ChatGPT: "It becomes purr-tisan bread!" 4. Unex

How to Create and Share Instagram Reels Video Content


3 Ways to Make Money with Social Media

Update > Three Ways to Make Money with Social Media < 1. Influencer Marketing Title: Becoming a Successful Influencer Marketer: Essential Steps and Strategies Introduction: In today's digital age, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool to promote brands and connect with consumers. Many individuals aspire to become successful influencer marketers, leveraging their online presence to create meaningful partnerships and drive business growth. In this article, we will outline essential steps and strategies for those who want to embark on a rewarding journey as an influencer marketer. 1. Define Your Niche To become a successful influencer marketer, it's crucial to identify your niche to effectively target your desired audience. Take time to explore your passions, interests, and areas of expertise. By focusing on a specific niche, you can carve out a unique space for yourself in the market and attract engaged followers who resonate with your content

5 Ways I'm Using Al to Make Money in 2023

Update I've been using AI tools to help grow my one-woman business for the past year. Honestly, it's been a game-changer. For example, with the help of AI, I was able to DOUBLE my income last year without working more hours. My business model didn't change. I didn't hire anyone. The only thing that changed was how I used Al to work more productively and efficiently. So I thought I'd share some of the ways that I'm currently using Al to make money in 2023. 1. Ive been creating faceless YouTube channels for a few years now. At this point, I have a few dozen channels in various "boring" niches. But combined, they add up to a substantial monthly income from both YouTube Adsense and affiliate products. Most of the videos I create are evergreen, meaning the content should be relevant for at least a few years. I also create videos around products that I can promote using an affiliate link, so the videos start earning right away, even if the channel isn&

How to use index funds and ETFs for passive crypto income

Update Index funds and ETFs offer attractive options for passive income investing, providing investors with diversified exposure to various crypto assets. The key to gaining financial security and independence is to invest in passive income. Passive income is generated through investments that offer a consistent source of income with little continuing involvement, in contrast to active income, which necessitates constant effort and time. Passive income is especially valuable because it enables investors to amass wealth and live independently. Passive income investing, explained Investing in index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is a popular passive income strategy in the traditional financial market. Index funds are passively managed mutual funds that seek to match the performance of a chosen market index, such as the S&P 500. ETFs, on the other hand, are similar to index funds but trade on stock exchanges, like individual stocks. ETFs and index funds have a number of be

>The United States Top 30 Leading Companies (US30)

Update The United States is home to many esteemed and influential companies across various industries. Here, we present the top 30 best companies in the U.S., recognized for their outstanding performance and impact: 1. - A leader in technology, specializing in consumer electronics, software, and online services. 2. Inc.> - The world's largest online retailer and provider of cloud computing services. 3. - A multinational technology corporation offering software, hardware, and services. 4. - The parent company of Google, focusing on internet-related products and services. 5. , Inc. - The social media giant facilitating global communication and networking. 6. Inc. - A conglomerate holding company headed by Warren Buffett, active in diverse industries. 7. - A leading healthcare company specializing in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer goods. 8. & Co. - One of the largest banking institutions in the U.S., providing financial services

Currency Converter 💱

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Currently Exchange Rates Dollars to Naira Aboki FX

  Dollar to Naira exchange rate  in Nigeria  black market is between  ₦797  and  ₦805  with an average of  ₦803.00 today on  12/07/2023 , according to  4 sell rates  shared by the users as comments. For the last 7 days, between  05/07/2023  and  12/07/2023 ,  Dollar to Naira black market sell rate took values between  ₦775  and  ₦805  with an average of  ₦792.40 . When we compare today’s (12/07/2023) values with the last 7 days, average  Dollar to Naira rate  had a  10.6 points increase  from  ₦792.40  to  ₦803.00  which corresponds to a  1.34% rise . Dollar to Naira exchange rate  in Nigeria  black market is between  ₦790  and  ₦795  with an average of  ₦793.33 today on  12/07/2023 , according to  3 buy rates  shared by the users as comments.

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