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Showing posts with the label Freedom Fighting

The Geographical impact of APARTHEID [racism] in South Africa

  Segregation in South Africa, known as apartheid or aparthood known as a system of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia) from 1948 to the early 1990s .    Apartheid : was characterised by an authoritarian political culture based on baasskap, also was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that existed from 1948 until the early 1990s. It was implemented by the National Party government, which was dominated by the Afrikaner minority. Apartheid classified the population into racial groups: white, black (African), coloured (mixed race), and Indian. Key aspects of apartheid included: 1. **Population Registration Act (1950)**: This act required all South Africans to be classified into one of the racial groups. This classification determined access to rights and services. 2. **Group Areas Act (1950)**: This act segregated residential areas by race, forcibly removing non-whites

The Social and Economic Reform in Nigeria

Nigeria is undergoing significant social and economic reforms aimed at stabilizing and revitalizing its economy amid various challenges. These reforms are supported by substantial international financial assistance and internal policy shifts. Here are key aspects of these reforms: 1. ** World Bank Loan and Economic Strategy ** Nigeria recently secured a $2.25 billion loan from the World Bank to support its economic reforms. This loan is intended to bolster economic stability and growth through various means, including enhancing fiscal management, improving the business environment, and supporting social safety nets [[❞]]  2. ** Fiscal and Monetary Policies **  The Nigerian government is focusing on improving fiscal policies to increase revenue and reduce public debt. Measures include enhancing tax collection, curbing corruption, and reducing subsidies that strain public finances. Monetary policies aim to stabilize the naira, control inflation, and foster a more