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Parts of Canada they don't show you

Watch    Drug addiction is a significant public health issue in Canada, affecting individuals, families, and communities across the country. Several substances are commonly associated with addiction in Canada, including opioids, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, and methamphetamines. Here's an overview of the situation: 1. **Opioid Crisis**    - **Prevalence**:     Canada has been grappling with a severe opioid crisis, with a dramatic increase in opioid-related overdoses and deaths over the past decade. The crisis is largely fueled by the illicit drug supply, which often includes highly potent opioids like fentanyl.     - **Response**:     The government has implemented various harm reduction strategies, such as supervised consumption sites, naloxone distribution, and public health campaigns. There is also a focus on improving access to addiction treatment services, including opioid agonist therapy (OAT). Video 2. **Alcohol Addiction**     - **Prevalence**:   Alcohol is one o