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Showing posts with the label Space Station

Human Weight and float in the International Space Station

Update In the microgravity environment of the International Space Station (ISS), the concept of weight as we understand it on Earth doesn't directly apply. Weight is a force exerted by a mass under the influence of gravity, and in space, gravity is significantly weaker compared to Earth's surface. As a result, astronauts on the ISS experience a sensation of weightlessness or "zero gravity." The ISS orbits the Earth at an altitude of approximately 408 kilometers (253 miles), and it is constantly falling towards the Earth while also moving forward at a high speed. This continuous state of freefall creates a condition known as microgravity, where the gravitational force experienced by the astronauts and their surroundings is nearly negligible. Due to the absence of gravitational pull, objects and individuals inside the ISS do not have a sense of weight. Instead, they appear to float freely. This floating sensation occurs because everything inside the space station,

The Solar System

Update The solar system is a vast and intricate collection of celestial bodies that are gravitationally bound to the sun, our central star. It consists of the sun itself, eight planets, multiple dwarf planets, countless moons, asteroids, comets, and various other smaller objects. At the center of the solar system lies the sun, a massive ball of hot, glowing gas that provides light, heat, and energy to the system. The sun's tremendous gravitational pull holds everything in place, ensuring the stability and balance of the system. The eight planets of the solar system include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets orbit the sun in a roughly circular path called an orbit. Each planet has its own unique characteristics, such as size, composition, and atmosphere. Moons, often referred to as natural satellites, are celestial bodies that orbit planets. These moons vary in size, number, and composition. Earth's moon, for example, is the fifth-

Discover The Universe

Update The universe is an immensely vast and complex cosmic system that encompasses all of existence as we know it. It is the totality of space, time, matter, and energy, and is believed to have originated in a cosmic event called the Big Bang approximately 13.8 billion years ago. At its largest scale, the universe consists of countless galaxies, each containing billions to trillions of stars, as well as nebulae, black holes, and other celestial objects. These galaxies are organized into clusters, superclusters, and filaments, forming a vast cosmic web structure. The universe is ever-expanding, with galaxies moving away from one another due to the force of cosmic expansion. This expansion is driven by dark energy, a mysterious force that counteracts the gravitational pull between objects. Within the universe, matter exists in various forms, including gases, liquids, solids, and plasma. The fundamental building blocks of matter are subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and el

Explore the Earth with the 3D interactive globe.

Update The globe is a three-dimensional model of the Earth with high-resolution 3D satellite imagery. The first globe was created around 150 BC. by Crates of Mallus. The globe has 3 properties: Equivalence – the scale on all sides of the globe is the same. Equivalence – the proportions between the areas of reality and the globe are preserved. Equiangularity – the horizontal angles between two directions of the globe do not change when depicted on the globe. View with map Đ¢errestrial globe You are ready to travel? Mass tourism developed with improvements in technology, which allowed the transport of large numbers of people in a short period of time to places of leisure interest, so that greater numbers of people could begin to enjoy the benefits of leisure time. In Continental Europe, early seaside resorts include: Heiligendamm, founded in 1